OVERVIEW YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/LP4qnVOIZ70

The “Overview” page introductory remarks essentially summarize why the Airway Mechanics section is included in the Pulmonary Diagnostic Laboratory Resource Center.
One additional comment is that, with a total body plethysmograph, “panting” open-shutter tangents are the preferred method to measure airway resistance. However, if the instrument has the capability, tidal-breathing measurements could be substituted when the subject is unable to perform more traditional panting maneuvers.
- Tidal-breathing Raw measurements do have limitations and have been described elsewhere. These limitations should be taken into account when interpreting tidal-breathing Raw data.
The ATS “Pulmonary Function Laboratory Management and Procedure Manual” is a good source of information regarding equipment, technical and procedural considerations for Airway Mechanics measurements.
Go to Clinical Utility of Airway Mechanics at: https://pftlabresources.com/what-spirometry-doesnt-tell-you-about-the-airways-the-clinical-utility-of-total-body-plethysmographic-airway-mechanics-measurements/